Friday, March 11, 2011

Federal Investigators and Care Packages.....

......All in one day in the life of this Army Wife.  So I had another 'first' in my life today.  As someone in their 20s you would think one's 'firsts' would be dwindling, not the case for an Army Wife.  My 'first' today was an interview with a Federal Investigator.  Talk about not knowing what to expect and intimidating.  The interview was actually for one of Top Gun's college roommates and fellow BRs (for those of you that follow and know what that means and the close connection that comes with).  This guy has been a remarkable friend to my DH and myself and even a groomsmen in our wedding, which should give you an idea of how close they are.  And here I am sitting in my living room answering questions about him and talking about him, praying that I don't say anything that could be perceived to show him in a negative light or hinder him from getting his security clearance.  One would think that this would be a pretty easy task, however when they ask if you have ever seen them drink or did they ever get into trouble when they were in college, you can't lie.  I mean, seriously lady, they are military and went to a military college, it comes with the territory.  Of course I have seen him drink and of course he got 'in to trouble' at school, he went to a military college, where one gets into trouble for not being in their room after Taps.  I don't know a single cadet who has ever gone through their entire cadetship with out penalty tours or being placed on confinement (the punishments for getting 'in trouble').  Overall though I think it went really well and the lady was extremely nice, I even gave her a few other names of people she could talk to for the investigation.  So after my morning full of questions, I vegged out in front of the computer looking for good ideas for care packages to send to my DH.  During my search, I kept seeing ideas for care packages for Sailors on Sub duty.  After seeing this a couple times, my brain started turning, how in the world do Subs receive mail???  After all they are several feet below sea level.  This just boggled my mind, but thankfully a friend of mine cleared it  up.  So if any of you were wondering, Subs get their mail when they come to port for supplies, or on occasion at sea.  Surface ships usually have a weekly refueling- during which they get supplies and mail via helicopter from the refueling ship to the other ship.  Now I know.  Who knows what kind of  'firsts' or new things I will learn next??  I guess we will have to wait and see, only time will tell.

Until next time.....Scouts Out!


  1. Hello Amber -- I saw your blog referenced as a comment to the Military Spouse Blogger community (just above mine). I read all of your posts just now and I want to subscribe to your blog and read more about your adventures.

    My first (active) duty assignment was as an Air Force weather officer assigned to the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, and I was shipped off to Bosnia with them in 1997! So Toujours Pret, Hooah and all that! I even earned my spurs in 1998!

    Good luck as a new military spouse, I've been playing this gig for 15 1/2 years now and after a dog, two sons and 7 homes, we're still finding the good things about each part of our adventure! As for your story of your DH getting shipped off earlier than planned, for longer than planned, I'm afraid that seems to be more the norm than the exception. Hopefully you have e-mail, maybe even Skype?

    -Patricia AKA Major Mom

  2. Thanks for reading and for the comment. We do have email and skype and I have even gotten a couple phone calls. Havent been able to use Skype yet, but hoping that will change. Hope you enjoyed reading my ramblings and if you have any seasoned military spouse advice, I'm all ears! Hooah!

  3. Good to know about the Sub packages since that's what I'll be worrying about eventually :(...
