Monday, April 18, 2011

What Do You Do To....

...Fight off that on edge/kinda worrying feeling?  So as I was teaching today I saw that I had a missed phone call from a number that I did not recognize and the caller left a voice mail.  However, being that I was teaching I could not check it right away.  Then about a couple hours later, I saw my phone go off with a call from an 'unavailable' number.  This caller also left a voice mail, which of course I could not immediately check.  Knowing that I could not check my messages until the end of school and knowing that I had two of them from numbers I did not know, left me feeling on edge and just a little uneasy.  Thankfully, they were good messages, one about a job and the other from my husband (which I am sad that I missed).  So I was wondering, what do you all do when you get an uneasy or on edge kind of feeling when your DH is deployed?

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


If I wore a mood ring during my husband's deployment, I literally think it would blow up from changing back and forth so quickly and KABOOM is the noise that it would make as it explodes into a million little pieces.  My mood changes a lot and can do so at the drop of a hat.  One day, maybe I should attempt to count it.  For instance, yesterday I was just kinda blah, just trying to make it through the day but then I got a phone call from my DH!!!  Instantly my mood turned around!  It amazing how just hearing his voice can brighten my day and make me smile.  Another example, today I was substituting second grade and my day was going pretty good and I was in a pretty decent mood.  However, of course that quickly changed after school was over and I realized that I had missed my phone call from my DH and I dont know how many more days he has to be where the phones are. Instantly my mood plummeted.  So just as a warning, mood rings or people that could quickly set me off, that would like to stay intact, you may want to keep your distance.

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Think We Know-it Alls......

......That will argue with you even if they aren't right.  So I recently had an experience with some fellow army wives that wanted to argue with me via facebook comments.  I can not begin to tell you how much this irked me.  Here is what happened:   A wife of an enlisted soldier in my husband's unit posted a link for ABC news, the story titled "Most Dangerous Mission in Afghanistan".  Then she commented on her post saying that her husband was there and right in the middle of it.  I just kindly wrote that they were not involved, which the new clip blatantly stated what unit did the mission and that they were not located in that area.  I said this because 1) I didn't want people to have the wrong information , 2) I didn't know how many wives she was friends with on facebook and some wives if they saw that posting would probably freak out and 3) some wives intentionally avoid watching the news and hearing about things like that.  Well apparently what I said didn't sit well with a couple of her facebook friends/fellow army wives and they decided to comment.  And basically they didn't see what the big deal was that she has said that her husband was right in the middle of it when he wasn't. So I have now decided that I am never gonna comment on any of their stuff again!  Nor will I help them when they have questions (which one of them has already asked me for help with about 4 different things).  Call me mean or rude, but I'm not gonna deal with it and I am thinking it is probably a good example of why we shouldn't fraternize.  Good luck to them on their own.

Til Next Time.....Scouts Out!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kids Are......

......Interesting.  I think that is the word that I would have to go with to describe them.  You have to wonder how they come up with some of the things they say or questions they ask.  My experience today was with substituting Fourth Graders.  As soon as I stepped into their classroom this morning, several of the children's mouths dropped open and eyes got wide.  Then I started to hear "Oh my gosh, she is soo tall", "how tall are you?", "why are you so tall?", " are being rude" and several other comments of that nature, as I am 5'11".  Through out the day I had to say "shhh.." or "ladies and gentlemen you need to get quiet" more times than I can count.  Fourth Graders have to constantly be reminded to be quiet and focus on their work.  They love to tattle on each other and they love to contradict each other in telling me what it is that they usually do.   And they also like to whine if they cant find the answer to their questions.  I tip-toed around a student with a disorder, trying extremely hard not to do or saying anything that sat them off, because my note said that screaming and yelling and tearing up papers was a norm for this child.  They are very inquisitive and most of their questions are not about their work.  And my last thought about them, is I think kids have shrunk.  I really dont think that my classmates and myself were as small as most of these kids in the 4th grade.  The old saying holds true, you are never too old to learn, for they taught me several things today and even refreshed me on fractions!

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Do the questions/comments/hardly related stories ever stop?  I'm just curious, because I am still getting them and my DH has been gone for well over a month.  And the thing is I still haven't figured out how to respond to most of them.  Answering the questions are probably the easiest, even though they get annoying, but when someone starts telling you some hardly even related story, about someone they know, that was some how connected to something military or its some old story about themselves from way in the past, I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say.  I feel really odd just standing there, but what do you do? I usually just wind up saying "uh huh", smile, nod, and then politely walk away. All of the questions/comments/unrelated stories still bother me too.  I try very hard to not let them get to me, because I know the people mean well and they just dont know what else to say, but yet every time they still get me.  I wind up be blah and bummed the rest of the day.  Sometimes I wind up wishing I had stayed in the Land of Oz.  I guess I'm slowing finding out where the best place to go through a deployment is.  Wonder if my opinion will stay this way?

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!