Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do The Sweeping, Do The Mopping....

....They always keep us hopping.  Chores that is.  I know we all have our fair share of chores, some of us less than others, but chores non the less.  Seems as if there is always something that needs to be cleaned or done.  There is sweeping and mopping, and dusting and washing.  Folding and cooking, and picking up to put away.  There is one chore that really kind of bugs me and I almost don't want to say what it is, in fear of sounding lazy and trifling, but we all have that one that we wished we never had to do.  For me its putting the dishes out of the sink into the dishwasher.  See, doesn't that sound terrible, I don't even have to wash them, I have a dishwasher.  But here is the thing, I don't mind putting them directly from being used into the dishwasher, I just can't stand touching them to get them out of the sink after they have been sitting there with left over whatever on it and water having been run on it.  Ewwwwww.  I would rather do any or all of the chores, but this one still has to get done, and unfortunately there is no one else to get to do it when your husband is in the Sandbox.  Oh well...what is your least favorite chore?

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!


  1. I also hate the dishes. HATE THEM! I vacuum every single day and for some reason I enjoy vacuuming. I hate dishes, I hate laundry.

    I think it's the whole never-ending cycle thing.

    When my parents or in-laws visit, the Moms want the dishes done after every single meal. Homey don't play that way. I procrastinate all the dishes till the end of the day, and it's the last thing I do before bed...

  2. Uh yea thats even worse, having to do the chore you hate the most when you dont want to and would rather wait.
