Thursday, March 10, 2011

Boxes, Boxes Everywhere....

Oh the joys of packing.  Every Army Wife (or military spouse in general) knows what I'm talking about and some of you may have done it more times than you can count on both of your hands.  Well for me, this is my first time packing up our stuff as a couple.  I mean of course I packed up my stuff to move out here to the windy Land of Oz, but TopGun was already stationed here before we got married and I was able to join him, so I only had to pack my personal belongings.  I sit here by myself, looking around our apartment, pondering what to work on packing next.  One moment, I think I have made great progress and the next, I'm sitting here feeling overwhelmed, wondering how will I get it all done in the short amount of time that I have left here.  As I work on putting various things into boxes and totes, I feel a little, dark, Eeyore cloud come over me and I can't help but feel sad for a few moments.  Here I am packing OUR life away.  The life we just started together and I'm sticking it in a storage unit and leaving behind (just for the time being) the first place we ever lived together as a couple.  I know that we are still a couple, we are still happily married even though we are countries apart, and we will pick right back up where we left off, but its still a little sad.  And just as every strong Army Wife must do, I work hard and push away those blah thoughts and feelings, and instead try to focus on the moving and unpacking I will get to do a few months down the road.   For that will be a happy and exciting time, as I look towards getting to find a new house, settling in, establishing myself back in the Land of Oz, and my husband's homecoming.  Even though it may seem a world away now, I and every other fellow Army Spouse or Significant Other, knows we must keep our focus on the happiness that lays ahead of us on the horizon.  I suppose I should resume my packing and I should be thankful (even if I did have to pack 17 boxes of books) that even though I am packing by myself, that this will probably be the easiest time, for we all know, that we accumulate stuff over the years.

Until next time..........Scouts Out!

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