Wednesday, April 13, 2011


If I wore a mood ring during my husband's deployment, I literally think it would blow up from changing back and forth so quickly and KABOOM is the noise that it would make as it explodes into a million little pieces.  My mood changes a lot and can do so at the drop of a hat.  One day, maybe I should attempt to count it.  For instance, yesterday I was just kinda blah, just trying to make it through the day but then I got a phone call from my DH!!!  Instantly my mood turned around!  It amazing how just hearing his voice can brighten my day and make me smile.  Another example, today I was substituting second grade and my day was going pretty good and I was in a pretty decent mood.  However, of course that quickly changed after school was over and I realized that I had missed my phone call from my DH and I dont know how many more days he has to be where the phones are. Instantly my mood plummeted.  So just as a warning, mood rings or people that could quickly set me off, that would like to stay intact, you may want to keep your distance.

Til Next Time......Scouts Out!

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